Note to users, who can't see this on their server (which I'm mentioning because another one just asked me about it):
the hachyderm admins blocked me personally - if you try to follow me from hachyderm, it lies and tells you this account is "suspended" - and i still have no idea why
coincidentally Nivenly, the company running hachyderm, got into an AI grift and I loudly called it an AI grift. This suggests the reasons are simple and commercial.
they have apparently denied that their AI grift was the reason but haven't said what the reason was
and they haven't contacted me at all and certainly nobody is paying me enough to bother to contact these weirdos
it's a mastodon feature: forum admins with poster's madness
so basically find a non-shitty server or spin up an akkoma yourself
feel free to copy and forward this as appropriate
edit: there was apparently a bug raised, and i'm definitely not wasting my time attempting communication with these circumlocutious scammy sounding weirdos. Perhaps you will wish to.
edit 2: it's their feudal pissheap and they're allowed not to like me! that they lie that my account is "suspended" and go into sub-GPT blathering when asked why is, I submit, a good reason to reevaluate hitching your wagon to their hungover seaside donkey
@davidgerard The response from "hachyderm-admin" seems to be venturing on actionable. In particular "someone" (i.e. you) "violated one or more Community Rules in such a way that we determined that we needed to intervene", and the list of Community Rules on their site are "don't be a dick" (which is suspect is the reason), and separately a laundry-list of things that you should not accuse people of lightly without keeping receipts. Even in "don't be a dick", it's probably best to keep receipts.
That they are unwilling to provide receipts is telling.
@pndc i mean it's their feudal pissheap and they're allowed not to like me!
however, I have these friends who are on Hachyderm and can't figure out why they can't follow me, because Hachyderm lies to them and says the account is "suspended"
hence this post