Switch to Firefox if you want ad blocking to work. Also available mobile on Android. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/google/google-chrome-warns-ublock-origin-may-soon-be-disabled/
I'd agree except that Firefox aims (?) to include opt out advertising data collection in its latest version, not sure if the dust has settled on that yet
@davidgerard I use Firefox with DuckDuckGo extensions or the DuckDuckGo browser. Others only for testing web apps for compatibility.
@nfgusedautoparts if it's chrome then it can't do proper blocking once manifesto v3 is enforced
Of course Google Chrome wants to break it.
They have already decided the ad revenue is important, which is why they decided that 3td party cookies are important.
Remove Chrome definitely!
@davidgerard love firefox on android
@cubeofcheese @davidgerard You should use a fork much as Mull [1] instead since about:config doesn't work on mobile at all as only the Nightly version works.
@joeo10 @davidgerard I use firefox sync for a lot of stuff. Thank you though
@cubeofcheese @davidgerard I don't trust any sync service that's not truly E2E encrypted. Their service isn't.
@davidgerard on android you have two versions. My default is the Firefox focus browser. For accessing trusted sites I use the regular browser.
@michael apt install lynx-cur